Other Blogs

SWG Ad Astra 2011The Stop-Watch Gang Blog
Suzanne is a member of the writers’ group, “The Stop-Watch Gang.” As a project in 2012, she posted writing tips to their blog.
Visit the gang’s site where they discuss their successes, CritQuotes, and other member news.

southpark meCanadiansuzanne at LiveJournal
Read her NaNoWriMo adventures
Suzanne has been blogging on and off since 2004 at LiveJournal under the name Canadiansuzanne. Whenever she jumps on the NaNoWriMo bandwagon, she blogs about her daily wordcounts.

The Writing in the ‘Loo blog
Suzanne is a member of the Waterloo Region based writers group Writing in the ‘Loo. Check out their page for upcoming group events and member appearances.


What Kind of Word Is That? on Blogspot
As a way of warming up her writing muscles, Suzanne occasionally posts one of her word-a-day entries. The only rule: the word-of-the-day must be used in the first sentence and she must write at least 100 words.

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