“What Becomes a Legend Most” – Introduction by Sandra Kasturi

Elements LJ sizeBelow, dear reader, please find bonus content for Suzanne’s book: ELEMENTS: A Collection of Speculative Fiction.

This series of posts provides stories-behind-the-stories for each tale in ELEMENTS.

The “Introduction” for a book sets up the reader for the prose that follows. In this post, I thank Sandra Kasturi for writing the Introduction: “What Becomes a Legend Most”

I am honoured that Sandra Kasturi wrote the introduction What Becomes a Legend Most  for ELEMENTS.

sandra-as-ElvisSandra Kasturi is Co-Publisher at ChiZine Publications, AKA CZP. She’s an award winning poet, a short story writer, and an editor.

If all of those credentials aren’t enough, she’s also a friend.

Sandra and I met years ago, but I can’t recall exactly where or when. If held at gunpoint, I’d probably guess we met at Ad Astra, a convention in Toronto.

When my publisher at EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing requested a short list of people who might write the introduction, Sandra was the first person I emailed. She’s pretty much the first person I email whenever I have any complex questions about publishing.

As I mention in the Acknowledgements, she is a member of my girl-posse. If you’ve had the opportunity to read the final story “Soul-Hungry” from ELEMENTS  then you might have a greater appreciation of the status of such a designation.

Sandra is a force of nature. Her poems have been collected in several volumes including:

animal_bridegroom-COVERcome lateCome Late to the Love of Birds


The Animal Bridegroom with an introduction by Neil Gaiman.

I cannot thank Sandra enough for her wisdom, advice, and friendship. Most of all, I am grateful that she has shared so many poignant and truthful words with the world.

More ways to connect with Sandra Kasturi:

Follow Sandra on Twitter.

Find Sandra on Facebook.

Read and/or review Sandra’s books on Goodreads.

Read her full biography at ChiZinePub.com.

Elements LJ sizeELEMENTS: A Collection of Speculative Fiction  is available in Canada and the USA from EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing.

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